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January 28, 2018 (Laszakovits)


Learning to live the love of God

Leviticus 18.2; 20.13
Romans 1.26–27
Romans 13.8–10


What are we talking about?! Why are we talking about it?

The issue of LGBT persons in society and the church seems to be the defining issue right now in the great US religious and culture wars. One would assume that if Christians are this worked up Jesus must have had some clear statements on the matter. Yet we have no record of Jesus saying anything about homosexuality. He talked a lot about money, the kingdom of God, the value of all people, and even sex. Today we delve into what the Bible does and does not say on the matter and what it means to us as people who practice peace, service and openness to all.

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January 21, 2018 (Haldeman)


Ask the Beasts

Matthew 6:26-34 & Job 12:7-10


Overview effect – Outer Space

No one living during the first century at the time of Jesus would have had the chance to view earth from outer space. Their vantage point would have been different. They would have seen their world stretch out seemingly infinitely into the horizon. And with far fewer people each consuming less, their impact on the natural world would have been minimal compared to today. When working the land and spending a lot of their time outdoors, they likely would have been more rooted and connected to the natural world around them. It is no surprise then, that Jesus often used language about nature, sowing seeds, vines and branches, stories with animals…

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January 14, 2017 (Reist)



Luke 10.25-37



I have really been looking forward to this worship series. If we are going to take the Bible seriously, we have to deal with all of it, even the parts we don’t like, or places we find it lacking. So we are going to take a closer look. In some cases we might find that Jesus had more to say about an issue than we originally thought. Perhaps in actions that have gone unnoticed, or maybe in scriptures that have gone understudied or ignored. Or maybe what we want to find just isn’t there.

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